Estimation Services

Estimating the cost of an extension or any construction project is not always as simple as it sounds, many factors impact the cost of your project. Meridian has been providing construction estimates on behalf of Architects, builders and small to medium contractors. APK Architecture and Design Ltd is just one of our customers utilising our Estimation Services.

How can we help architects bolster their services?

Our Estimation services can assist Architects and their customers develop the design within a budget checking its affordable, and understanding how long and what the project is expected to cost in terms of labour and materials. We can work with you to tailor the design to meet the customer’s construction budget.

Why choose Meridian estimating services?

We offer good value services with prices starting as low as £75+VAT for simple extensions and provide fast turnarounds. The type of estimation Meridian provides is far more accurate than rule of thumb estimation based on a construction price per square metre. We can provide accurate material pricing and estimated labour based on contractor/builder’s industry rates.


Contact us today for reliable building cost estimates.

Leigh enhancements and Hildenborough embankments scheme

  • Client Environment Agency and Jeremy Benn Associates
  • Location Leigh Flood Storage Area, Kent, United Kingdom
  • Services Project management

Meridian Civil Engineering Ltd provides Project Management services to international design consultants, in this case for Jeremy Benn Associates in the UK for the Environment Agency’s, Leigh Enhancement and Hildenborough Embankments Scheme (LEHES). The LEHES project will reduce flood risk to over 1,400 homes in Tonbridge and Hildenborough by increasing the stored water by 25% from a level of 28.05 metres AOD to 28.6 metres AOD.

The scheme is carried out in two parts in the following order

  1. increasing the capacity of the Leigh FSA, and
  2. constructing a new embankment to protect homes in Hildenborough.

For part 1 of the scheme, Meridian Civil Engineering Ltd is Jeremy Benn Associates (the Consultant) Project Manager working with the Environment Agency on this nationally significant scheme in the design of upgrades to the existing structures including

  • New gates – The design and replacement of 3 steel radial flood gates
  • New drive and control system – design and installation of a new drive system and control kiosk for the new gates
  • Embankment raising – raising the flood storage height of the existing flood embankments
  • New culvert – designing a new culvert to move water away from the railway embankments and into the storage area during a flood event
  • Concrete retaining wall – design of a new concrete wall to reinforce the existing embankment at Leigh pumping station to accommodate increasing the flood storage area, and
  • Eel pass – design a new eel pass next to the existing control structure. This will allow elvers to swim past the control structure and migrate upstream.

Leigh Control Structure Downstream Looking Upstream. Photo: Environment Agency

For part 2 of the scheme, Meridian Civil Engineering Ltd is Jeremy Benn Associates (the Consultant) Project Manager working with the Environment Agency to design a new embankment and pump station to protect homes at risk in Hildenborough from increasing risks of flooding due to climate change. Meridian has been working with JBA and the Environment Agency to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Southern Water diverting an existing foul main around the new pumping station location
  • UK Power Networks upgrading the existing transformer for the new pumping station, and
  • Hildenborough embankment and pump station – Design of new flood embankment and pump station with 2x 1cumec pumps, penstock and gate.

Change in flood risk for 1% + climate change event with Hildenborough Proposed Embankment in Operation.. Photo: Environment Agency

Meridian Civil Engineering Ltd has been providing project management on the project on behalf of the consultant for over two years and has been instrumental in the delivery of this significant project.

Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point beach management scheme

  • Client: Environment Agency
  • Location: Lincolnshire Coast Between Saltfleet and Gibraltar Point
  • Services: Technical advisory services

Nourished Beaches of the Lincolnshire Coast. Photo: Environment Agency

Meridian Civil Engineering Ltd provides advisory services to the Environment Agency on this significant coastal protection scheme on the coast of Lincolnshire UK, the Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point Beach Management Scheme. Meridian delivers advisory services to the Environment Agency on this nationally significant scheme reducing flood risk to 20,000 residential homes, 1,700 businesses, 24,500 static caravans, 35,000 hectares of farmland and a bustling tourist industry.

The Economic and Environmental Need to Protect the Lincolnshire Coastline. Photo: Environment Agency

Meridian provides advisory services about the implementation of its flood risk management strategy for the Lincolnshire Coast. This strategy will involve working with nature to provide a more sustainable approach to coastal management with growing pressure from climate change and sea level rise, whilst providing greater resilience for the local community.

The Environment Agency has been restoring sand levels on the Lincolnshire coast every year since 1994. Annually, approximately 400,000m³ of dredged sand from licensed areas of the seabed along the Lincolnshire coast is pumped onto beaches to replace levels lost to the sea throughout the year. Meridian Civil Engineering supports the Environment Agency and their offshore Contractor Van Oord to deliver the annual campaign providing a soft defence to reduce coastal flood risk.

Environment Agency’s Contractor Van Oord during Beach nourishment. Photo: Environment Agency